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Glass Studios and Businesses

Berlin Glassworks GmbH

Berlin Glassworks is a seven-member collective of artists, designers, historians, and thinkers committed to the education, promotion, and safeguarding of glass making.

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Bruno Gérard Toussaint, Werkstatt für Ökonomie & Kunst, Berlin

Bruno Toussainthe is looking for partners for the further development of light-conducting 3-D glass lacquers. On this basis, traditional techniques of “decorative glass and under-glass painting” with lacquers and metal coating up to modern reflection art with colored design mirrors are to be redeveloped.

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Glas:Schmidsfelden e.K.

Selfmanaged glass studio placed in the historic glassworks Schmidsfelden. Founded by Stefan Michaelis in 2003. Team of three glassblowers, looking for support.

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Glashütte Valentin Eisch GmbH

Die familiengeführte Glashütte hat ihren Sitz im Herzen des Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald in Deutschland. Eisch wurde vom deutschen Fachhandel vielfach als die Nummer 1 unter den Glasherstellern ausgezeichnet.

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Glasmanufaktur Harzkristall GmbH

Glasmanufaktur Harzkristall is part of the Gerhard Bürger Foundation. We are one of the last manufactures in germany and produce glass in any amount and size for our customers.

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Gustav van Treeck Werkstätten für Mosaik und Glasmalerei GmbH

The Gustav van Treeck studios in Munich stand for tradition and innovation: In cooperation with internationally renowned artists we create masterpieces of modern stained glass art, glass painting, glass sculptures, exclusive mosaics, works in float glass painting or fusing technology, glass and mosaic restorations as well as reconstructions.

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Kolektiv Ateliers, a.s.

KOLEKTIV is a Czech Republic based boutique company. For almost a decade now, we bring to our clients innovative solutions with a strong focus on detail and quality.

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Lhotský s.r.o.

We follow in the tradition of cast glass sculpture in Železný Brod, which dates back to the 1950s. We are proud of the high qulity of local craftsmanship and continue to work in the spirit of the studio’s founders Stanislav Libenský and Jaroslava Brychtová.

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Rombachs Glass

Rombachs Glass is a public access (waste) glass studio offering workshops, events and demonstrations. The studio uses waste glass, works with bio-propane, utilises rainwater and rents out equipment to glass enthusiasts in order to maintain and grow in a sustainable and ecological manner.

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Skeppsta glashytta

Skeppsta hytta is a hot glasstudio for production, which also has basic coldworking
equipment. The glasstudio is located on the countryside one hour south of

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Slate Grove

Slate Grove is an artist, fabricator, educator, and studio manager with experience across the USA and currently lives and works in Finland’s capital region.

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We are a small glass studio located close to Dresden in Germany and we work on projects with artists and designers as well as students. Our main Focus is on hot glass techniques but we also cut and grind glass ,also kiln casting is possible on our studio.

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Tímea Rataj

Stained glass and mosaic artist since 2005. Located in Hungary but interested in bigger projects across Europe (and maybe worldwide).

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Museums, Institutions and Associations


Berlin Glas e.V. is a non-profit association with a goal to inspire, educate people of all ages, and offer research opportunities for those interested in glass as a medium for artistic expression.

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Bild-Werk Frauenau eV

Bild-Werk Frauenau is a platform for glass and arts in Bavaria, Germany. It organises an international summer academy as well as cross-border projects that aim at the future of the European glass heritage.

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glasspool e.V.

The purpose of the registered association glasspool e.V. is to promote and raise awareness of German and European glass culture. Its focus is on top-quality in the fields of everyday glass and hollow glassware as well as artworks made of glass.

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Municipal Museum in Zelezny Brod

We are a museum that focuses mainly on art glass. The history of our museum is almost a hundred years. Art glass has its origins in Železný Brod, a small town in the north of the Czech Republic.

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Universities, Schools and Summer Schools

Bild-Werk Frauenau eV

Bild-Werk Frauenau is a platform for glass and arts in Bavaria, Germany. It organises an international summer academy as well as cross-border projects that aim at the future of the European glass heritage.

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Rombachs Glass

Rombachs Glass is a public access (waste) glass studio offering workshops, events and demonstrations. The studio uses waste glass, works with bio-propane, utilises rainwater and rents out equipment to glass enthusiasts in order to maintain and grow in a sustainable and ecological manner.

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Zurich Glass School

Zurich Glass School (ZGS) is an online school of excellence in flameworked glass. ZGS learning system brings enthusiasts together and reaches beginners, improvers, and professionals from across the world in seconds.

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