Whether a designer, artisan or artist, self-employed or employed. The ten trainees all had different plans for the future. After having accompanied them intensively for six months and got to know them personally, it is exciting to see how they use this unique opportunity for them in very different ways.
There is the designer with a fascination for light installations, who now works part-time in a lighting planning office and uses the rest of the time to set up her own business. There is the former set designer who, thanks to the scholarship, has had the courage to go into business for himself as a glass maker, and who is well on the way to being successful with it. Or the glass artist and the architect and designer, between whom more than a professional collaboration arose during the training: Together with their little son, they are currently setting up a showroom in Prague.
As different as the goals of the trainees were, as different are the stations they are currently at. But what they all have in common is that they were given six months of free time in which they could devote themselves exclusively to their professional future with their own strength, but also with comprehensive support.