We (the Frauenau and Graz teams, as well as Troels and Susanne Jøker Johnsen from Bornholm) got to know how glass miracles are achieved in the Czech Republic at our second plenary meeting in February 2019 in Nový Bor. Welcomed with hospitality by Petr and Ondřej Novotný, we discussed our criteria and goals between glass interior design, studio glass and design. At Moser in Karlsbad and Ajeto in Lindava we saw fully occupied furnace halls. We were amazed how orders and resources are shared over short distances while still benefiting from the globalized customers of old Czechoslovakia. We learned how five young glass craftsmen create artworks for public spaces in Amsterdam and Dubai as a „collective”. We listened to Zdenek Kunc talk about his glassmaking trips, and we were amazed at Jiří Pačinek, who is planning his second small glassworks. We experienced how at HG Atelier Design furniture is made from cut glass, metal and light … so far we can only dream of all of this. Make miracles!