Institute for Ceramic and Glass Art at the University of Applied Science Koblenz

About us

The Institute for Ceramic and Glass Art belongs to the University of Applied Science Koblenz and is one of a few high-ranking international institutions for Fine arts that provides a comprehensive artistic education to selected, talented young people in modern sculpture with a material focus on ceramics and glass.

What we offer

The department heads Prof. Markus Karstieß and Prof. Jens Gussek place ceramics and glass at the center of their artistic work and their teaching. Our institute is unique in Germany for emphasising both ceramics and hot glass as contemporary materials for modern sculptures in next to other materials of the visual art. To these means we maintain excellent facilities and a selected core of renowned staff as instructors at the institute. Internationality, open mindedness to change and experiment, and protected space for student advancement along with equality are central aspects of this institute.


Institut für Künstlerische Keramik und Glas
Hochschule Koblenz
Rheinstr. 80
56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany

Contact person
Prof. Jens Gussek

Institut für Künstlerische Keramik und Glas Hochschule Koblenz

About us

The Institute for Ceramic and Glass Art belongs to the University of Applied Science Koblenz and is one of a few high-ranking international institutions for Fine arts that provides a comprehensive artistic education to selected, talented young people in modern sculpture with a material focus on ceramics and glass.

What we offer

The department heads Prof. Markus Karstieß and Prof. Jens Gussek place ceramics and glass at the center of their artistic work and their teaching. Our institute is unique in Germany for emphasising both ceramics and hot glass as contemporary materials for modern sculptures in next to other materials of the visual art. To these means we maintain excellent facilities and a selected core of renowned staff as instructors at the institute. Internationality, open mindedness to change and experiment, and protected space for student advancement along with equality are central aspects of this institute.


Institut für Künstlerische Keramik und Glas
Hochschule Koblenz
Rheinstr. 80
56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany

Contact person
Prof. Jens Gussek